Christian Ministries



Many years ago, I suffered from a severe sickness that required me to be bed-ridden for several months. It was really agonizing, physically. But more than that, it caused me added suffering from an emotional depression -- feeling hopeless and just wishing that I would die soon to end my life's misery.



Until someone... a friend in the neighborhood, came and talked to me. It started a new, good chapter in my life... a beginning of  "new things" in my life's journey. I was introduced to a personal God, whose name is Jesus. He became real to me... my personal God. I received a new-found hope... a new found-life in Him. As an added bonus, I was physically healed...miraculously in His Name! 


Now in my more than 30 years in Christian ministry, I am so privileged as a friend of Jesus to offer help to people who come to me for prayers and encouragement... as a friend. And in my opinion, and based on several cases that I already handled-- the people who I ministered to only needed someone to listen to their problems and at some point, to receive words of encouragement or guidance. That's it! Don't get me wrong that I'm trying to trivialize their cases or situations in life. No, that's not what I mean. What I'm saying is that, to be a friend to someone who's going through difficulties in life is so helpful... powerful. Many people today only need someone -- a friend who they can talk to, listen to their problems, and offer them "a shoulder to cry on". 


The good news is....Jesus offers Himself as a Friend to anyone who will call on his name. He said, "Come to me all of you who are heavily laden and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you....for My yoke is easy and my burden is light." ; (Matthew 11:28) 

What is it that burdens you right now? Are you desperately looking for someone who would listen intently to your story...your innermost struggle, pain and sorrow? Why not try to call upon Jesus right now? It will surely make a huge difference in your life. 


Jesus understands what we are going through in life. He is all-knowing, ever-present, all-powerful and  loving God. He wants to save you from where you are at this very moment. And let me say this again, He is offering Himself as a Friend to you! He just wants you to surrender your life to Him and trust Him. He said, "You are my friends, if you do whatsoever I command you." (John 15:14)

Contact us if you need more guidance and encouragement. You can also write us an email.
May the Lord our God bless your life today and forevermore!


Bro. Paris Espana