Christian Ministries


Many years ago, I was invited by our Assistant Pastor Joel to join him in visiting young inmates at a Makati City Jail in Metro Manila, Philippines. I had apprehensions because it was my first time, if ever I decide to go, and I did not know what to expect. But when the day finally came, I went as per Pastor Joel's invitation one late afternoon. To my surprise, the young men inside the prison cell, all of whom were convicted of drug addiction, were prepared to meet us. And guess what, they were ready to worship the Lord Jesus Christ with us! As my pastor-friend, began the fellowship, we all started singing praises to God. He then led the opening prayer and afterwards proceeded with an encouragement from the Word of God. As our fellowship with these young inmates was going on, I observed a certain kind of freedom that they were enjoying. To be honest, I thought we were not inside a prison cell at all. It was just unbelievable! And then, when our Christian fellowship was about to end, I was asked to close it in prayer. Oh, yes, I was quite emotional when I did it...so thankful to God for the spiritual freedom that my inmate-brothers were experiencing because of their born-again relationship with Jesus, overshadowing their obvious incarceration. It was a one-of a kind experience for me...a true eye-opener of what freedom in Christ Jesus is and how it truly sets men free.



As we were walking out of the prison cell toward the front side of the city municipal hall, where we would get a public transportation, I thought of some of my friends in college, coworkers in the office, and neighbors who are physically free...but are, in truth, living in bondage and fear. They walk everyday like free men and women. Yet, deep inside them, they feel that there is something that holds them back from living their life to the fullest, or maybe, according to the real purpose of their existence on earth. They live in houses that have all the comforts that we could possibly imagine; they avail of life's many conveniences; they have jobs and opportunities that should make them feel secure. But those are not enough to provide them the kind of freedom that they know they do not really possess...because it can only be achieved through a personal relationship with Jesus.

Friends, think seriously of your situation in life today? Are you really free? Do you have a peace of mind, a joy inside of you, and a genuine love for yourself and for others? Or are you living in bondage due to certain past events in your life that continue to haunt you today? Or maybe you feel that you are bound in chains due to bad choices or behavior in your present life?

Well, just like those young inmates in the prison cell who believed in Jesus, you too can experience that freedom. And Jesus is very willing to give you, right now, that kind of freedom that you desperately needed --if you believe Him. "The Scripture declares that the whole world is a prisoner of sin, so that what was promised, being given through faith in Jesus Christ, might be given to those who believe." (Galatians 3:22)

It is as simple as believing and accepting Him as Lord and Savior of your life and living a new life that is according to His ways and teachings. For Jesus said to those who believe in Him, "If you abide in My word, then you are truly My disciples; and you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free...So, if Jesus, the Son of God sets you free, you will be free indeed." (John 8:31-36)

The Apostle Paul in writing to the Roman believers in the early years of Christianity said, "Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set us free from the law of sin and death." (Romans 8:1-4)

Be encouraged with this very good news! You do not have to struggle anymore in attaining this real kind of freedom that Jesus offers. He already made Himself as a sacrifice so that whoever abides in Him could be set free and be enabled to live this life to the fullest, according to His purpose and will for you.

Be blessed my friends! Call our Prayer Center telephone numbers now. We want to pray for you to receive God's free gift of salvation and the freedom in Christ Jesus, our Lord.

May you walk in freedom and live as free men indeed!

Bro. Paris Espana