Christian Ministries


Several years ago, I heard a story of a famous, big businessman who was being awarded with the highest honor by his colleagues in the business industry one night. There was no doubt that he had made so many great contributions to society in general. And so, when his name was finally called, a thunderous applause reverberated at the auditorium. Well-known people from various sectors of society were present to honor him. They even gave him a standing ovation while continually clapping their hands that went on for a couple of minutes. This honor-worthy man looked so humbled by the accolade being shown to him that very special night...seeing the faces of his friends, colleagues, and others who he does not even know personally, was truly something.



As the applause slowly faded, he started thanking the people who inspired him and helped him through the years to achieve all his successes in his field of endeavor. But in the middle of his heartfelt speech, he broke in tears and words became unbearably hard to come out from his mouth. To the surprise of many who were there rejoicing with him, he honestly confessed that he was terribly missing the presence of his wife and family with whom he wished to share the special honor. They had left him...and he is home alone. He admitted that their absence in his life makes him feel empty, even if he is full of praises from other people at his work place.

Does this story sound familiar? Could you relate to this story? Honestly, are you feeling empty inside of you? Or, can you really, really say that your life is full of joy? Oh yes, you may be the most successful man or woman on this planet; having the respect and adulation of your peers; receiving awards for your great and many personal achievements; living in the most luxurious village in town with complete security force guarding your house; and you may have the wealth enough to live comfortably for now and the future-- but if God is not in your heart, something so great is missing in your life.

Who can fill this emptiness and void in your heart? Well, the good news is that Jesus could...and He is more than willing to do so!

He said, "Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these other things will be given to you as well." (Matthew 6:33) That is the key! It means that you should make Him the first priority in your life. And all other things (your marriage, your family, your career, your possessions, etcetera) should be secondary...and yet, He promised to bless you with those, too. That is how you can begin receiving Jesus' promise of fullness...by making Him your first love and following Him completely.

Let Him fill the void in your heart right now and fill your heart to overflowing. For Jesus clearly said, "These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full." (John 15:11)

Paul, an apostle of Jesus also wrote that, "Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope in the power of the Holy Spirit." (Romans 15:13)

So, don't prolong your agony any longer. Have the joy of the Lord God in you. Desire to be full of God's love and blessings today. It is incomparable to any riches in this world or to any awards or honors that we can receive from men. God bless you abundantly!

Bro. Paris Espana